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W2 D3 Workout Log — P90X: Shoulders & Arms + TurboFire: HIIT 20

6 August 2011 marked Day 10 of my P90X/TurboFire Hybrid workout schedule. Intensity 95%. I made a promise to one of my FITness buddies, Mike, that I’d step up my game a little. Mike, a fellow P90Xer will be doing double workouts for the remainder of his program (6 weeks). I love competition, so I’m doing double workouts as well. When I trained at the Omni, I became accustomed to weight training for 30 minutes, followed by an hour of cardio. I did lose a bit of weight, but under consuming caused me to burn more muscle than fat. This time around, I intend to do an hour of weight training, followed by no more than 30 minutes of cardio. That should fix it, yeah? And with my hybrid schedule, I’ll be working out 6 days a week.

Overall FITness impression (results):
I remember how intense this routine is on the shoulders, but I was able to get through the entire DVD without having to stop. Plus, I’ve always got my tendonitis in the back of my mind. I improved again this week! I’ll have to document my exact numbers on here soon, but I was pleased at how much I pushed myself this time around.

TurboFire HIIT 20: OMG! I love it! I thought this would kill me…and it nearly did, but the 20 minutes went by a lot faster than I thought it would. This routine involves 3 Fire Drills: the first 2 are done twice and the 3rd is done THREE times! Once I master these HIITs, I can see this as a soon-to-be TurboFire favorite! Be on the lookout for a more detailed analysis of the HIIT 20 routine (moves, times, etc.).

Needs Improvement:
Shoulder Flys. These still invoke a bit of pain in the shoulders. I did, however, get through tthe entire set with the weights this time! Oh yeah! I think my form may have suffered a bit, so FORM needs improvement. ALL tricep kickbacks can also be done cleaner.

About tluke@feeningfitness

My name is Tammy. I'm from Athens, GA and yes, I'm a Bulldog fan (UGA c/o 2003 - Gooo DAWGS!!). I have a MS in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Wisconsin and enjoyed a few years working as a crisis counselor for children and their families before becoming a mother myself. I'm a single mother of two little darlings and, after making a career switch, I am blessed to have the opportunity to successfully work from home as a freelance graphic designer. I'm starting to really get into physical fitness again. After my first child, I practiced marital arts regularly (muay thai, TKD, and some JKD), however, when I moved back to my hometown, I was no longer able to train at the awesome school I trained at in Virginia. My activity level folded big time as I tried to get readjusted in another environment, still new to parenthood, and working a new job. Soon came baby #2!! I was blessed with another beautiful child, my second love, but also riddled with a slight depression as a result of splitting with my significant other. So, I dug into life, attempting to be the best mom I can be, yet failing to take care of myself in the meantime. I got lazy when it came to working out and watching my diet. I find myself nearly 100 lbs heavier than I was only 8 years ago! NOW, it's time to get back to ME. NOW is time to make a change for the better. I have enjoyed quite a few Beachbody series (including Turbo Jam, TurboFire, Insanity, and P90X). I'm planning to get back into the swing of things with TurboFIRE and at some point beginning training in muay thai again.


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